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Field Day 2018

Highlights of 2018 Field Day include:

  • 504 QSOs (Phone and CW)
  • 69 of 80 participating ARRL Section QSOs (USA and Canada)
  • 1,606 total points (656 QSOs and 950 bonus)
  • 2 HF stations operated on emergency power – generator
  • 1 VHF station operated on emergency power – generator
  • 40 visitors to our site at Cramer’s Park
  • 15 Licensed Amateur Radio Operators participated
  • 9 Non-Licensed individuals signed up for more information
  • 64 Public Service hours logged
  • 256 ARES hours logged

The A3 and 2M yagi antennas used during Field Day were made available due to the generosity of NP2N/George and facility caretaker Chuck/WA0ROI.

A special “Thank You” to Lisa and Tina who prepared all the meals and kept us all going throughout the 2 days.

As you can see in the pictures, we were able to use the VITEMA bus as our HF operations center. Thanks to VITEMA Director Barnes, Deputy Director Lewis, and Mr. Garry Green for all their assistance.

For everyone who missed Field Day, we are preparing our After Action Review to have an even better Field Day next year. Hope you can join us, even for just a few hours, and bring a friend.

Here’s a PDF with more Field Day Information: STX Arc Field Day